Successful Expression
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I expect from accent coaching sessions?
Each week, we typically targeted one goal or concept. This could be something as straight forward as how to make a sound like 'n' 't' or 'd' (which we do by keeping our tongues inside of our mouths) or something more abstract like focusing on the on-off rhythmic pattern of English. Sessions are always relevant to clients' needs and interests. For instance, if we're working on a target sound, a list of relevant vocabulary words specific to the industry of the client will be provided.
How long will it take to modify my accent?
Everyone is different! Progress depends on many factors such as how strong of an accent you have, how long you’ve been speaking English, how well you’re able to hear and discriminate target sounds and how much you’re able to practice outside of our sessions. As many clients come after having spoken English for decades, it will take a little time to change the motor patterns that have been reinforced over the years. That said, within a few sessions, you should feel changes and within a few months, others should definitely notice changes, as well. How much you'd like to change your accent versus preserve your cultural heritage is also entirely up to you!
Why should I consider coaching sessions rather than use the new AI app I found?
If you are the type of person who thinks they can use an AI app and sound great, then go for it! Think of our work as analogous to hiring a personal trainer at the gym - anyone can go to the gym and be productive...but many of us need that added incentive to push ourselves a bit more. Benefits of working with Successful Expression include:
Accountability: Each week, you will have homework to work on and someone to report to.
Personalization: After the assessment, we immediately dive into goal #1, which is tailored to your individual needs. Each session thereafter is also tailored to your needs and interests.
Generalization: A large part of our work is mastering a concept in isolation and then bringing it into conversational speech. AI has a harder time providing this sort of feedback.
Customization: We work hard to make lessons engaging based upon each individuals' interests and needs. Some lessons include industry-specific word lists, some allow clients to read about elephants, soccer, or other preferred subjects, some even target cursing, if that is truly important to the learner. We make learning fun so our sessions don't even seem like work.
Do you offer group classes?
While we generally offer 1:1 sessions, if there is a group of individuals - ideally with others who have the same, if not similar, primary languages - interested in group sessions, we can certainly discuss options! Please email to discuss.
What next?
Schedule a free 15-minute Zoom to discuss your goals, logistics, program fees, scheduling and any other questions you may have.